Art of living
This day, not as other days we had a complete different PPD Session. The session was coloured by a special person known as Dr.Ajith Colonne. Dr.Colonne is a person who has devoted himself in educating the school children, youth and the general public, at an honorary capacity. The topic he spoke on this day is “Art of living”. According to him When We Think about art of living - there is an art to everything and living well is no exception. Of any art, this would be the one to master since it encompasses all the others. The art of living well is to make your life an expression of who you are , what you believe, and your hopes, dreams and desires. Of course, to create your life as a work of art is an ongoing, evolving, and creative endeavor. And so, it should be. As he said we can make our life a work of art by doing several things such as; 1. Make each moment count and live it to the fullest. 2. Establish an open, accepting and appreciative mindset. ...